Yesterday was the monthly New York Dunk XChange over at Club Blvd/Crash Mansion. It was much smaller, since the Funk Flex Carshow also had a Dunk XChange event the day before and it could be that it's now monthly. I've heard a couple people that aren't a fan of the monthly event and I could see it, because instead of a big group of people waiting for a bigger event, there's a smaller crowd for the vendors and there's a shorter time for everyone to sell/trade.
First, I wanted to be there early, but I was going with my girl and her cousin, so they had to pick me up. I mentioned a specific time I wanted to be there and we didn't arrive until about five minutes before it started. My girlfriend didn't call me in the morning, because she forgot my number and my number was the Branded Baron business cards she had in her room. FAIL for her, plus it shows how much we rely on technology. Anyone remember the days that you had to write the numbers down and memorize people's numbers? I do. The whole storing numbers and people carrying cellphones didn't start happening until my last two years in high school.
Since I arrived late, it was hard for me to set up, since I had a couple friends helping out and selling their sneakers. Note: It's important to be there early, so you can set up properly. They did hang some shirts on the wall and on a bar to showcase the shirts while I went to park. We managed to put some shirts by the sneakers especially the ones that matched. It's just important to have the shirts on the table at an event like this when people are most likely lookin at the table than anywhere else.
The event was moving slow, so Jamal & I started to have a game to see how many stickers we can put on the back of our friend CJ(both shared the table with me) before he noticed. He had a bunch, but finally saw a reflection and took them off. Once that happened the game began from the beginning. Even when we left he had one on. I wonder if he found out he had a Branded Baron sticker before he got home.
Overall, the Dunk Xchange this time was ok. Stuff were sold, people checked out what we had. I liked the bigger Dunk XChange event, but we'll see how the next monthly event goes before I decide whether I like the small or big events from them.
Stay No Less Than Stunningly Fresh,
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