Monday, September 26, 2011

Live With Art, It's Good For You

I feel this is an important message that had to be shared. Art is very important and it's a great outlet whether you are lost in painting that you are staring at or releasing your emotions and/or thoughts as a creative outlet. I believe that the designs you see on the apparel, buttons, posters, etc. that was made and will be made are art. There's a description on each product page explaining the meaning behind it, but that's 1 meaning. Maybe you see a different meaning that works for you and that is totally acceptable. I personally sketch almost everyday and the reason I don't do it everyday is I might be practicing creating art through a different medium like painting or photography or computer art. I collect as well, because I like art very much. It doesn't matter if you can only draw a stick figure or you have the talent of Rembrandt, it is something we need in our lives. Your connection to any form of art is between you and that piece.

If you have the opportunity to help the local art programs do so, because you never know what greatness can come from them.

Live with ART, It's good for you.

Stay no less than Stunningly Fresh,

P.S. What is ART? That's a debate for another day.

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