Monday, September 26, 2011
Live With Art, It's Good For You
I feel this is an important message that had to be shared. Art is very important and it's a great outlet whether you are lost in painting that you are staring at or releasing your emotions and/or thoughts as a creative outlet. I believe that the designs you see on the apparel, buttons, posters, etc. that was made and will be made are art. There's a description on each product page explaining the meaning behind it, but that's 1 meaning. Maybe you see a different meaning that works for you and that is totally acceptable. I personally sketch almost everyday and the reason I don't do it everyday is I might be practicing creating art through a different medium like painting or photography or computer art. I collect as well, because I like art very much. It doesn't matter if you can only draw a stick figure or you have the talent of Rembrandt, it is something we need in our lives. Your connection to any form of art is between you and that piece.
If you have the opportunity to help the local art programs do so, because you never know what greatness can come from them.
Live with ART, It's good for you.
Stay no less than Stunningly Fresh,
P.S. What is ART? That's a debate for another day.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
FRSHR Than Your AVRGE Sneaker Battle RECAP 2
Hello ALL,
I hope all is well. I know I have not posted lately and my apologies, but the workload and stress of running a company can become overwhelming at times. So, let me tell you the FRSHR Than Your AVRGE event was a cool experience. It was the first time that it was held, so my expectations for it was to have a good time and try to gain more fans from Boston. Then again, having a good time and gaining more fans is always the goal. Ward of Bloodline Fresh Clothing hosted this and I was honored when he told me that he wanted my brand to be a part of this event. So, I'd like to thank him for that opportunity.
After a week of ugly weather, it was refreshing to see sunny skies, which made this event to be very promising. It seemed like a cool event to be at and honestly how many sneaker battles to see? Maybe I've missed them, but I know this was my first one. The main purpose of the event was the sneaker battle, but it did contain other vendors and allowed for trading/selling sneakers. I met a couple cool people and even saw a familiar face like Paulie Hussle from Real Deal Radio.(Here's the video from when I appeared on it) He was participating in the sneaker battle.
The turnout was okay, but I expected that from it being a first time event, but I heard that Rock the Bells was in Boston that weekend, so I figured people went to the concert instead of this. It made me think that if that didn't happen, there could have been more people. I thought the people that came by and showed love were cool. I even liked those who bought some tees. The event was definitely cool and I look forward to the next one and expect that shall be bigger. Check out some more pictures from FRSHR Than Your AVRGE.
Stay no less than Stunningly Fresh,
Vinnie has his own sneaker blog(which he reviewed the tee he picked up) and you can follow him on twitter here . Thanks for the support
He kept coming back to the table so many times and finally decided that he had to have this t-shirt. Hey I appreciate the support.
The "no sock" sock or the "I need a bigger sock" sock. lol
Oh and his Lebrons to the Jordans he was competing in, which PROVES AGAIN that Lebron is not better than Jordan.
Yes, a bottle of Hennessy was part of the winning prize.
Bloodline Fresh's tee, cap, and posters.
Tiff holding the Branded Baron table down while I run around and take pictures.
Cool peeps from the Boston brand Inov8
Just had to take a picture of the Yankees & Giants caps.
Yep, they wearing the Branded Baron buttons and they also rap.
There was a dance group that performed before the semi-finals.
Can't decide which pair to wear? Wear one of each. Problem solved.
The winner with the organizers. Congrats!
boston sneakerheads,
frshr than your avrge,
inov8 apparel,
paulie hussle,
real deal radio,
sneaker battle,
sneaker con,
Thursday, September 15, 2011
FRSHR Than Your AVRGE Sneaker Battle RECAP 1
Hey everyone! Here are some photos from FRSHR Than Your AVRGE that happened this past Saturday. It was a cool event and the sneaker battle was fun.
Stay No Less Than Stunningly Fresh,
Paulie Hussle from Real Deal Radio. He participated in the Sneaker Battle and he knows sneakers
Branded Baron Pop Up Performances VIDEOS
Here are some videos of the performances that occurred at the pop up shop last month. Some of the videos have full songs of the performances, while others have clips of their entire performance. Thanks to Jay Wise and Tony Bregga of Softwyte Tv for additional footage. Enjoy.
Stay no less than Stunningly Fresh,
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
FRSHR Than Your AVRGE Sneaker Battle
A Branded Baron table filled with stunningly fresh merchandise will be at this Boston event this coming Saturday. So, if you're a sneakerhead, from Boston, or both come out and chek this event out. It's a new event, but I know Ward from BloodlineFresh has been working really hard to make this event work and I honestly think it's going to be really cool. Why? Well, maybe it's because I'm not from the area, but I don't see to many sneaker events up in Boston. That could be an untapped market and it could introduce people to the world of the sneakerheads. Plus, sneakerheads are probably happy to have another event besides Dunk XChange. Come through and show off your heat.
If you want to participate in the sneaker battle you will be judged on these criteria: the condition of your kicks, the knowledge of your kicks, and how well you rock your kicks.
If you want to trade, buy, sell your sneakers cool. You can definitely pick up some freshness from the clothing companies selling just like yours truly.
I've been excited for this event for awhile and look forward to going up to Boston. I like Boston, so this weekend should be good.
Stay no less than Stunningly Fresh,
Friday, September 2, 2011
Corp Cartel - "Do You Want Me" Music Video
Happy Friday! I have a wonderful treat for you and it is the music video of the Corp Cartel's song "Do You Want Me". Now if you have been a Branded Baron supporter for awhile, you would know that I was at this video shoot that happened back in February 2010. Why is it released now? Well there are various rumors flying around like Jay-Z caught whim of this video and wanted to wait until it was the right time before he cosigned the Corp Cartel to they were trying to release it as a 3D video. Either or, the point is, the video is out! You can see Branded Baron apparel in the video and you can see myself in it as well alongside Allen Ez and Tony Bregga and everyone else.
Honestly, I always thought this was one of their strong songs and is a fun song. I personally like how it came out and think it look stunningly fresh. If you want to see the behind the scenes you can view the First Part here and the second part here.
You can check them out on their sites
Follow them on twitter @thecorpcartel @jaywise31 @followmetana
I'll have to get a link for you guys, so you can download it and bump in your cars.
Stay no less than Stunningly Fresh,
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Photo of the Day
Hello, here is the photo of the day which is a picture of the band Mother(check them out here) As you can see, the Statue of Liberty tank top is being worn. This is cool picture to see.
Stay no less than Stunningly Fresh,
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