Monday, October 10, 2011

'90s Nerd now 2011 Hipster

If you checked out the Branded Baron tumblr, you would've seen this lovely photo. It's such a funny and true photo, that it had to be posted on this main blog. Now I liked Family Matters and this brought me back when I was younger, because you don't get too many Urkel references anymore. Anyway, it's amazing how style has changed since the 90's. Hipsters definitely rock some crazy gear and sometimes they look like the only nerd. Now, if you're a nerd that's great, because you're smart and chances are you'll be going places. Being nerd is fine, but dressing like one was NEVER cool. If that's YOUR thing, cool, I respect that. Looking like that would have gotten your ass kicked or picked on. Yes, people are cruel, but there's a version of "cool" and looking like a nerd was never one, but being smart like one was fine(depending if you're friends didn't think so and you acted dumb, which was completely stupid). I remember having a conversation with my dad where he mentioned that low top Chuck Taylors were not the cool sneaker and was the pair that would get your butt picked on, because the hi-tops were the style. That was then when Converse first produced the Chuck Taylors, now it doesn't matter. Fashion is a very funny and it does come full circle. Somethings will never fly while others will. Rock what you want, stand out, just be you. Being You will always be stunningly fresh.

Stay no less than Stunningly Fresh,

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